Our company provides pre-tender consultancy, feasibility, consultancy, design, training, supervision services in the following subjects. All necessary site investigations such as geology, topography, hydrology and water analyses are all completed; hydraulic design, architectural design, structural design is done; cost analysis, measure of quantities and the technical specifications finalizes the design work. 



•Feasibility Studies
•Water Supply and Distribution of Potable and Industrial Water
•NRW Management
•Wastewater and Stormwater Network
•Wastewater Treatment Plant and Sea Discharge
•Water Treatment Plant
•Tender / Specification Preparation and Supervision
•Water take structures from dam, lake, pond and rivers; regulators
•Investigation, examine and planning of water resources in basins or restricted regions
•Flood analyses and Flood Risk Maps 
•Stream Improvement and Rehabilitation
•Landscape and Landscape Area Infrastructure